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TRX313/01Z | 2024-04-26  
Returning to Toolroom Trax are two label heavyweights Jewel Kid and Matt Smallwood with brand new collaboration ‘I Get Down’. Since Jewel Kid’s resurgence last year, he has been writing hit after hit with releases on Sink Or Swim, D-Vine Sounds, Glasgow Underground and of course Toolroom. Alongside Jewel Kid, it’s exciting to welcome onto the release Toolroom’s very own senior A&R Matt Smallwood, a key figure in the underground dance scene for many years.

Matt Smallwood’s expertise as an A&R, DJ and Producer has allowed him to consistently stay ahead of the curve, and his track record of signings and releases speaks for itself. Together, the two artists bring years of experience and a unique blend of production styles resulting in a powerful and infectious club weapon that is ‘I Get Down’.
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