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SCR078S2 | 2024-03-08  
On "Extravaganza" (2024), Soul Clap and Life on Planets continue to simultaneously draw from the past while pushing to the future; only this time it is from a foundational bootleg moment from within their own discography. There's always been an interest in recreating this moment in Soul Clap's history and properly paying homage to the great piece of music that is Jamie Foxx's "Extravaganza" (the single from Foxx's second album Unpredictable). This dance floor rendition achieves that goal by making the jam widely available in a now proper cover version.

Over the years Soul Clap and Life on Planets have collaborated closely and working together to bring this to life was a natural easy fit. Life on Planets puts his own flavor on Jamie Foxx's brilliant original and the results seem to create new energy while still tapping into that nostalgia from a decade ago!
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