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ARCH207 | 2024-01-08  
Embark on a sonic odyssey with Opul's newest EP, 'Habitat.' A testament to a nomadic spirit, this collection of tracks is as diverse and exploratory as the artist himself. Having lived in various corners of the globe, Opul funnels his love for travel and contrasting cultures directly into his music. The EP dances between the lines of organic and synthetic, weaving a rich tapestry of sound that's as varied as the landscapes he's traversed. Traditional instruments find their voice amidst a sea of classic techno timbres, creating an audial environment that feels both intimate and expansive. The use of contrast in sound design isn't just a technique; it's a narrative tool that guides the listener through different 'habitats' of emotion and rhythm. It's a dynamic ecosystem of sound where every beat, melody, and texture coexists in harmonious discord. 'Habitat' isn't just an EP; it's a passport to a world where the limits of genre don't apply. Strap in and let Opul be your guide through this eclectic soundscape.

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